On Teething and Beyond

Losing baby teeth were a part and parcel of one's life - a symbol of growing up, and it is the tooth-fairy that makes this otherwise dreaded and painful processes an exciting one - something to look forward to. ~ Mansi Maheshwari Photo Courtesy of Pediatric Dentistry of Salem Tato lost his upper central and lateral incisors (as shown in photo) due to baby bottle tooth decay. In layman terms, he doesn’t have his upper front teeth anymore due to tooth decay caused by sugars from liquids taken through his feeding bottles. To be more informed, we visited a dentist last week. My dentist was not around, so we end up in another village dentist and the encounter turned-out well. The female assistant and the male dentist warmly welcomed us, Tato, Toti, me and tita LR, my trustee aid. The clinic was simple and the ambiance was accommodating. Tato carefully sit on the dental chair while the dentist’s assistant put on his cloth. The lamp turned on upon the dentist’s motion of h...