I'm Back

I'm back and I'm here to share the idyllic tales of Ta-To-Ti.  

Happy Tato
March and April are quite busy months for me, as my two cubs celebrate their birthdays on these months aside from other celebrants such as my father, youngest sister, my mother-in-law and eldest sister-law. I’m a working away from home mom and my 9-6 is loaded but I’m still ecstatic in planning events.  

Last March, our eldest Tato requested for a pool party on his birthday, since it was his fifth, we decided to grant his request and headed off to a private pool in Laguna. He enjoyed the pool adorned with colorful balloon and floaters. The party was a hit with videoke for the young at hearts and unlimited swimming for the young ones.

April came and Toti also had a blast on his birthday held at the Lachica’s den. Children played pabitin, basagang palayok and musical chair among others. It was also warm celebration of my mother-in-law’s birthday and thanksgiving for my youngest sister-in-law's first wedding anniversary.

Here are three basic things I’ve learned over the years:

1. Plan ahead. Planning your finances, possible guests list and programs, if any could really do wonders.
2. Work on Limitations. Yes, you may have limited resources but this is when a creative hand and resourceful mind works the best.Its never  a harm to have do-it-yourself decorations.
3. Just enjoy the moment. It’s your event, so avoid stress and just enjoy the moment. Be there for the guests but most especially for the kids.


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