Art Attack

 A work of art is a world in itself reflecting senses and emotions of the artist's world. -Hans Hoffman 

Who doesn't love colors and art work? 

Well, I admit I am a fan. Since childhood I was fond of colors, lines and how things are presented in various themes, means and modes. A cloud to me is a castle nestled in a forest, waiting to be discovered. A scrap metal could be an artwork as well, a paper, a leaf; I see art in almost everything.  Few years past and I am so happy that the Tato and Toti share this fascination with me. We cut papers, paste them with leaves, and build planes, boat and trains. We love playing with watercolors and crayons, we draw on used paper, this is how Toti first learns his letter "e" and "l". Yes it can be a mess but their glistening eyes and sweet smile could never be replaced. 

Even weekends away from home is an art time for the kids. When at MOA, they would request their dad and me to bring them to that inviting fenced area, with small, colorful tables and chairs. They would then grab their pattern of choice and give it to the nice attendants of Kiddy's Art Town, who in turn placed the patterns on a metal sheet and "bake" in the oven one by one. Color Buddy, the favorite product of Tato and Toti is a rubber art color painting designed for kids from 2 years old onwards. According to Kiddy's Art Town, Color Buddy is their most popular art and craft product. I've seen it first hand during our frequent visits, as parents and children alike are engrossed in doing their own Color Buddy. What we love about it is that after the kids have filled the patterns with liquid colors they get to see the process on how their artworks turns into rubber as they are "baked" in the on-site oven. 
The kids and their artworks
Aside from Color Buddy, Kiddy's Art Town "Flash and Frame" also captured the attention of my little one. It is a framed pattern which uses different color of glitters (I think it’s more appropriate to call them glitter glue) to create a flashing painting.  Tato and Toti brought one home and shared it with my SIL (sister-in-law). It does not need to be "baked" as it dries out on its own.

Why blog about this? I'm do not have anything to do with Kiddy's Art Town, but I love the fact that their presence in a mall gives a parent an alternative to shopping and spending with their kids. Bonding time of working parents with their children are crucial and I am happy to spend time with them through art and fun. 

How about you, what do you love most doing with your little one/s?


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